If you're going to be in Sacramento on March 10, 2011, please make plans to attend a luncheon sponsored by the Industrial Relations Association of Northern California (IRANC) featuring Alice Dowdin Calvillo, Chair of PERB. Chair Dowin Calvillo will be speaking on, "PERB: Past – Present – Future" and will talk about her time at PERB.
Here are the details:
- Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011 Meeting
- Time: 11:30 A.M. Registration & Networking; Noon – Lunch & Speaker; 1:00 P.M. Adjourn
- Location: Firehouse Restaurant, Golden Eagle Room, 1112 Second Street, Old Sacramento, CA 95814
- Menu: Choice of 1) Vegetarian Sandwich; 2) Chicken Breast Forestiere, or 3) Mahi Mahi
RSVP by March 2 to Marcie Mooney at (916) 928-0399 or email her at:
mmooney@local 39.org with lunch choice.